Jan 10, 2025 | Uncategorized
Are you struggling to maintain your inner peace and heart-centered living in today’s crazy world? You’re not alone. From overwhelming news and political tensions to extreme weather patterns and natural disasters, many people are experiencing unprecedented...
Mar 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
By Charli Lundholm – Our Inner Wisdom It is almost Spring! And after the winter we have had in Northern California, we are ready for it! My favorite part about Spring, besides all of the incredible flowers and colors, is the sense of newness in the air. That...
Sep 4, 2022 | Uncategorized
By Charli Lundholm I was recently visiting my dad and we started talking about how we don’t always know the effect we have on people. We both shared stories of times when we had said a kind word, shared a story, or made what we thought was a very small gesture of...
Jun 5, 2022 | Helpful Tips
This is a simple, yet powerful technique to help release emotional ties to old (or present) events that we no longer need to hang on to. You simply write letters to whoever you have unfinished business with IN PENCIL and then you burn them. We are carbon based beings,...
May 5, 2022 | Helpful Tips
By Charli Lundholm I have a simple question for you today…are you taking good care of yourself? Are you taking good care of all aspects of yourself? Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually? If you answered yes, then we tip our hats to you and say...
May 5, 2022 | Helpful Tips
Have you noticed the stress level going up, up, up around the world? Are you getting sucked into it? It’s hard to avoid. Sometimes we find ourselves even adding to it! The key is to be conscious. Take a break from the news and the barrage of negativity that the...
May 5, 2022 | Helpful Tips
By Charli Lundholm We hear the word gratitude a lot. Be grateful. Have a gratitude practice. Be thankful. So we may go around just saying the word without really feeling it. There is a big difference between just saying, “I’m grateful for ____” and really FEELING that...
May 5, 2022 | Helpful Tips
By Charli Lundholm Life has been a tad intense recently. The overwhelm that many of us are feeling can affect us on many level. Do you feel like your thoughts are zipping around like they are in a pin ball machine? Are you having trouble focusing, or following through...
May 3, 2022 | Helpful Tips
By Charli Lundholm We keep hearing about the need for self-love. What does that really mean? How do we achieve it? Can we achieve it? Why is it something that we have to learn to do instead of it just being a natural process? Growing up, most of us were never taught...