List of Available Classes & Meditations

Available Classes

Automatic Writing: Bypass the Blocks & Get the Answers You Want.

 Do you have trouble connecting to your higher-self, your guides or that inner voice you just know has the answers?

Have you ever put a question out to the Universe just to hear nothing in response, just a bunch of crickets?

Our thoughts, beliefs or stress can make connecting difficult. Automatic writing is an easy and effective way to bypass the blocks so you can get the guidance and information you need.

You’ll be amazed at what can come through the simple act of writing. Let’s explore this simple technique to get you connecting clearly with your higher self and the Universe. In this interactive class we will do some quick meditations, follow prompts and use pictures you have gathered to access the wisdom stream that is all around and within you. Grab a journal and your favorite pen or pencil (or tablet or laptop) and get ready to have a conversation with your core self.

It will be held via Zoom and will be recorded if you can’t make it live.

Dates coming soon

Click Here to Register


What Are You Telling Your Body…and What is it Telling You?

  • Did you know your body listens to every word you say?
  • Are you conscious of what you say to your body on a daily basis? Or is your attention to it on autopilot
  • Do you bathe it with love and gratitude? Or are you critical of it?
  • The bigger question is how is your body responding? With pain or illness? Or are you feeling great?

Let’s look at the relationship between what we think, believe, say, and our physical, as well as emotional, well being. It’s time to shift the negative dialogue to a loving accepting one and see how beautifully your body reacts.

We will gather via Zoom and the class will be recorded if you are unable to attend live.

Date to be determined

Click Here to Register

Awakening Your Abundance

  • Is your abundance flowing, or is it stuck?
  • When you think of your money, love, and health, are you happy and satisfied? 

If you are feeling like your abundance flow is constricted, or downright shriveled up to nothing, then it’s time to see what’s going on. Our emotions, beliefs and ingrained patterns have a huge impact on how we allow ourselves to receive.

Let’s explore a bit and see what may be tripping you up. We’ll chat about how to use various tools such as essential oils, crystals and stones, visualizations and energy techniques, all topped with a lovely meditation, to help you shift from lack to allowing.

Coming in Spring 2024 

By Donation

Click Here to Register


A Deep Dive into the Chakras – a Series of 7 Classes

Discover what chakras are and how they influence our health and wellness. Each chakra governs a certain area of the body, including our organs and glands. They can be affected by our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, as well as physical trauma. Our optimal health is tied to these energy centers being in balance.

In this series of classes, we are going to spend time getting to know each chakra, one per class.

  • We’ll talk about what each chakra does, how it gets out of whack, and how to get it back in balance and keep it there.
  • Find out what you may be storing in your own chakras. Let’s get them cleared out and in tune.
  • We’ll also discuss how the chakras functions are shifting in response to the New Energy.

You can take the entire series or just certain classes.

Will be scheduled in the summer 2024

Available Meditations

CLICK HERE to download our free meditation audios.

Monthly Global Meditation:

 We know our world is in a major shift. We want to help, but what can we do? Where do we start?

We can start by coming together and sending energy to the earth and all who live upon her. When a group of people come together and focus healing energy, light, love and compassion to a person, city, nation or the world, it is powerful. It has been researched and studied and the results have always shown that we create positive change when we join forces. 

This monthly meditation is held on zoom and there is no cost. I only ask that you show up with an open heart and open mind. This is a time to be an open source of Universal energy to help heal our world.

The global meditations are taking a pause until Fall.

To join in on this monthly meditation, simply fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will send you the Zoom link. There is a comment box where you can let me know you only want information on the global meditation. That way I won’t send you our newsletter or other emails unless it is related to the global meditation.

Reduce Anxiety Meditation:

 The last few years have been causing a lot of people to live in a perpetual state of stress and anxiety. This can take its toll on our physical vitality as well as our ability to see the positive in our lives. The good news is we have numerous tools to help us reduce the anxiety and get more in balance.

Let’s turn the volume down on the stress and start enjoying this life.


“I am Light” Meditation:

 If you have fallen off your spiritual path, or maybe just need a little light infusion, this meditation is for you. Join me as we relax into remembering who we are at our core, that we are light, we are love. And then let’s share that with the world.


“Love Your Body” Meditation:

 Our bodies do so much for us every second of every day. Trillions of cells carrying out trillions of functions daily, solely for us to be here, to be alive. How fabulous is that?

Do we thank these magnificent vessels that house us? Or do we complain about it or ignore it all together?

In my practice, I have seen time and again the power of shifting the disregard we have for our bodies to love and gratitude. Our bodies crave acknowledgement and this meditation is a great starting point.


What Clients Say

“I was nervous as I had never done any kind of energy work or readings before. As soon as we started talking, Charli’s down to earth personality really put me at ease.

Then we started working and I was shocked at how much better I felt within just a few minutes. Really amazing.”

A.T. ~ New York

“I was able to shift some major blocks to my healing path with Charli’s help. I couldn’t have done it without her.

She connects to a deep level of information and healing energy. I’m so grateful I said yes to myself and made that first appointment.”

C.W. ~ Santa Monica, CA

I'm Honored You Found Me!


Let's stay in touch and I'll send you a free Calm and Rejuvenate meditation.

Use this quick meditation anytime you are feeling stressed, anxious or when you need a little bump up of energy. In just 10 minutes you can relax your body, letting the tension release, while also feeling calmer, energized and revitalized. 

I'll occasionally let you know about new podcasts, classes, events and things that come to mind that I think would be helpful to you.

I don't send a lot of emails so I won't be bombarding your inbox, and you can unsubscribe anytime.